Music For One Horn – Howard Wall

A longtime member of two of the world’s most renowned orchestras – The New York Philharmonic and The Philadelphia  rchestra, hornist Howard Wall also performs and records with the All-Star Orchestra, and is an avid chamber music proponent. Among the 22 tracks in his solo album “Music for One Horn”, 16 are world-premiere recordings. This is a kaleidoscopic collection of eclectic styles and genres ranging from Charles Koechlin’s refined impressionism and Elliott Carter’s sophisticated modernism, to Phillip Ramey’s Bartokian reflections, Astor Piazzolla’s melancholic tango mood, Elizabeth Raum’s idiomatic virtuosity, Pascal Proust’s exalted dance rhythms, the poetic inspirations of Georges Barboteu, the otherworldly mysticism of Alice Gomez, the profound emotion of Lev Kogan’s Kaddish prayer, the stunning beauty and unique rhythms of Bulgarian folk music and Venezuelan joropo.

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New Release: HELDIN Arias of Wagner & Strauss featuring Juyeon Song, Soprano / Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava, Czech Republic / Niels Muus, Conductor

Richard Wagner’s innovative exploration of the female heroine (Heldin), is presented here in a collection of his most famous arias inspired by Germanic, Norse and Celtic mythology. Wagner invented the concept of “larger than life” Helden singers for whom he composed huge, long, demanding roles for both women and men. By contrast, Richard Strauss drew his inspiration from the bible through Oscar Wilde’s diabolical satire, Salome. Strauss expanded the palette by increasing the sheer number of instrumental forces within the orchestra to fully embody the vile, sexual nature, and treachery of the female villain and her lust for manipulation and vengeance. 

Juyeon Song, hailed for her dramatic stage presence and expressivity, demonstrates her exceptional range and intensity in richly rendered characters; forceful Brünnhilde, chaste daughter and faithful servant of Wotan, king of the gods; Isolde, tragic heroine in the medieval romantic story of love and death; and, Salome, the young politico-sexual powerhouse who demanded the severed head of John the Baptist, and caused King Herod to sin against God in retribution for the prophet’s rebuke of her affections. 

In this exciting new release, Ms. Song chills and thrills the listener with her capacious vocal power, emotional sensitivity and sincerity, and visceral cathexis throughout. The Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra Ostrava, led by eminent maestro Niels Muus, is superb in its balance, dynamic contrast, and dramatic realization of these magnificent scores. 

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Music by Women – Elmira Darvarova, violin / Howard Wall, horn

“Music by Women” presents 14 world premiere recordings (out of 16 tracks) in this album with music by female composers. A varied program which includes the 17th C. French composer Elizabeth Jacquet de La Guerre, and the 20th C. British-American composer Rebecca Clarke, as well as a number of contemporary female composers from several different countries, some of which have been commissioned by the performers: Chinese composer Wang Jie, Japanese composer Yui Kitamura, Russian-born Elena Firsova, Canadians Elizabeth Raum and Erika Raum, Belize-born Errollyn Wallen, and the American composers Lydia Lowery Busler, Alice Gomez, Laura Kaminsky, Dolores White, Francine Trester (whose compositions also feature poetry). Violinist Elmira Darvarova (first and only woman-concertmaster of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra) and hornist Howard Wall (a New York Philharmonic member, formerly with The Philadelphia Orchestra) offer splendid interpretations. 

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New Release: Ástor Piazzolla’s Genius of Tango

Ástor Piazzolla’s greatest masterpieces are given a fresh new interpretation in transcriptions for Violin, Horn, and Piano by three acclaimed artists – Grammy®-nominated violinist Elmira Darvarova (former Concertmaster, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra), hornist Howard Wall (New York Philharmonic) and pianist Thomas Weaver. After performing their Piazzolla tribute program internationally at prestigious venues in Europe and America (including Carnegie Hall), the artists have now also recorded it for a double-CD album presenting 14 world-premiere recordings (14 out of 17 tracks). “Ástor Piazzolla – Genius of Tango” introduces the artists’ transcriptions from Piazzolla’s original scores. The inclusion of horn brings a new dimension and richly rewarding symphonic sonorities. Several of the arrangements are by the late great tango pianist Octavio Brunetti (named by the New York Philharmonic “the inheritor of Piazzolla’s mantle”), with whom violinist Elmira Darvarova performed and recorded for several years.

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Horn Monologues by Howard Will is available now!

A longtime member of two of the world’s most renowned orchestras – The New York Philharmonic and The Philadelphia Orchestra, hornist Howard Wall also performs and records with the All-Star Orchestra, and is an avid chamber music proponent. Among the 19 tracks in his solo album “Horn Monologues”, 10 are world-premiere recordings. This is a kaleidoscopic collection of eclectic styles and genres ranging from Charles Koechlin’s refined impressionism and Elliott Carter’s sophisticated modernism, to Phillip Ramey’s Bartokian reflections, Erika Raum’s virtuosic tone poem, Astor Piazzolla’s melancholic tango mood, David Amram’s blues dedicated to Thelonious Monk, the unabashedly jazzy tunes of Zsolt Nagy, the poetic inspirations of Georges Barboteu, the otherworldly mysticism of Alice Gomez, the profound emotion of Lev Kogan’s Kaddish prayer, the stunning beauty and unique rhythms of Bulgarian folk music and Venezuelan joropo


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Music From Five Centuries: 17th C. – 21st C. – Elmira Darvarova, violin, Howard Wall, horn

“Music From Five Centuries: 17th C. – 21st C.” is a kaleidoscopic presentation of short musical works belonging to a multitude of epochs, genres and styles, from J.S. Bach, Handel, Couperin and Biber, to Mozart and Beethoven, to romantic, contemporary, blues, folk, jazz and rock compositions. Violinist Elmira Darvarova (first and only woman-concertmaster of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra) and hornist Howard Wall (a New York Philharmonic member, formerly with The Philadelphia Orchestra) have selected, arranged and transcribed a number of compositions (some originals, some transcriptions), to compile a Double CD release, brimming with a large number of world premiere recordings (40 out of 45 tracks).

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